Some people have a natural eye for design and décor; follow these tips to see how you can spice up your home interiors.
When it comes to giving your home a makeover it can be hard to know where to start. However, not all changes need to be big and bold. Sometimes it is best to start with small changes and let them morph into a big impact. Here are some ideas of things to give you inspiration for change.
Update your light switches
Most of us probably never consider the light switch, yet it is something that we generally use every day. They tend to blend into the background and never stand out. However, this is where we can make a difference. Maybe you can paint them, or even wallpaper a pattern over them. This pop of colour or design will make them stand out and brighten your home.
When it comes to arriving at your home, most people will barely acknowledge your front door. But try dressing it up with an interesting or unusual doorknocker and suddenly people will see it. Whilst repainting it is a bold option; a simple bit of door furniture can make a difference. There are some unique options out there so don't be afraid to experiment.
Along with the doorknockers, you also have the doorknobs. Again, this is something that is easily overlooked. But a simple refresh of door handles on both interior and exterior doors can invigorate a room particularly if it is something unexpected. Again, don't be afraid to experiment as these can easily be changed.
You are a number
Another piece of door furniture that often gets overlooked is the humble house number. This is normally a fairly bland offering, but the wide variety of styles and looks means that you can display your personality. Why not go to the next level and give your house a name e.g. The Smith Family.
Lights please
Another simple way to start making changes to your home is through the use of lighting. Change your lampshades and these can add to your décor. Change the position of lights and add new lights and you can create a new feel for your home, or maybe replace your light switches with dimmers. If you want to get creative, there are some great smart bulbs that let you change colours with a click of a button.
Add metallic detailing
Another great way to bring a bit of shine and glamour to your property is to add a splash of metal. A little shimmer of gold or silver can add a lot to a room. Whether you are adding some gold detailing to a dining chair or sparkling up a lampshade, metallics can make a powerful statement and will never be off trend.
Another way to add a pop of interest to a small space is through the use of stencils. They don't have to be fancy or professional. Sometimes even hand-drawn art will look beautiful in the right place. Don't get too carried away, simple geometric shapes work best.
So, gather your supplies and give your home a small spruce to impress your guests.
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