Which level of service is right for you?
Our Lettings Service offers a range of options. For a full breakdown of these options please ask one of the team or arrange a free rental valuation.
- Self Managing Option: 100% inc VAT of the first month's rent subject to a minimum of £540 inc VAT.
- The DIY package: 90% inc Vat of the first month's rent subject to a minimum of £474 inc VAT. Plus 9.6% inc VAT of gross monthly rent, payable throughout tenancy.
- The essential tenancy management service: 80% inc VAT of the first month's rent subject to a minimum of £420 inc VAT plus 14.4% inc Vat of gross monthly rent, payable throughout tenancy.
- VIP fully informed package: 70% inc VAT of the first month's rent, subject to a minimum of £380 in VAT, plus 16.8% inc VAT of gross rent, payable throughout tenancy.
For full landlord fees and charges click here.
Click here for our rent protection & legal cover booklet.
A New Law for Landlords & Letting Agents
As of the 23rd November 2015 Rent Smart Wales raised the standards in the private rented sector, and introduced a new law requiring registration and licensing of landlords and agents.
Landlords who undertake defined letting or property management activities at a rental property in Wales must apply for a licence which includes passing appropriate exams.
If we manage the property for you then you are not required to obtain a licence and you are only required to register as a landlord on Rent Smart Wales website.
The cheapest way is to complete the information on-line and the cost of doing so is £33.50 per ownership and the paper format is £80.50 per ownership.
LL Estates Ltd is licensed for letting and property management work as an Agent (as defined in sections 9 to 12 of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014)
Licence Number #LR-16035-79328
Date Licence Granted: 22/02/22
Date Licence Expires: 21/02/27
How do we ensure our landlords and tenants are protected?
We are a registered member of the Rent Smart Wales Client Money Protection Scheme. This is a client money protection scheme to ensure your money is handled within the correct manner.
Download a copy of our Client Money Protection Certificate here.
We are also members of The Property Ombudsman, which is a redress scheme for consumer complaints.