Seven Ways to Keep Your Pets Calm in During Firewo

We share seven tips from national pet charities to keep pets from suffering stress this fireworks season in this two-minute read.

We love pets!

And we get to meet plenty of our clients’ furry friends during our daily work across, along with having resident office dogs Dolly & Dotty.

According to a 2018 survey by builders, McCarthy Stone, pets made people a lot happier about their everyday lives.

45% of the people they polled said their pet is the main reason they exercise, and a whopping 31% said having a pet gives them a purpose in life.

So, now that fireworks season is back with a bang and a whoosh and frequent flashes, we thought we’d share seven simple steps you can take to help your beloved pets avoid anxiety this weekend.

Below are four tips from the world-renowned Battersea Dogs Home, followed by three more ideas from the CATS Protection charity.

1) Stay indoors. Don’t walk your dog in the evening during fireworks weekend.
2) Draw the curtains. Unexpected flashes can cause dogs anxiety as much as random bangs, so close the curtains.
3) Give your dog space. Confining your dog in one room during the evening can cause extra anxiety for them. Instead, let them wander indoors as much as they want.
4) Distract them with treats. Long-lasting chews and bones are a great way to keep their minds off what’s happening outside.
5) Stay calm. Instead of overly comforting an anxious cat, keep cool – your cat is more likely to feel relaxed if you are.
6) Create a safe space for your cat. A cardboard box lined with blankets is ideal. However, cats feel safer higher up – so place the box on a sturdy shelf if possible.
7) Play music. Tune into CLASSIC FM between 6pm - 10pm where the station are specifically playing calming classical music just for pets. Designed by an animal therapy doctor.

More helpful information about keeping pets safe and sound can be accessed via and

Although this article features advice for dogs and cats, the basic care principles are the same for many of our beloved pets.

We hope you enjoy the fireworks this weekend and that your pets don’t even notice them.

Thanks for reading.