Spot the Difference – Good Agent Versus Bad Agent

A 2-minute read that also celebrates International Women's day this week.

Any time there’s a list of the least trusted professions in the UK, you can guarantee estate agents will feature in the top ten.

We join others on the list who are always there, including politicians, journalists, and car salesmen (I note that it didn’t say, car saleswomen).

In the past, I think many estate agents were consistently providing sub-standard service. The stereotype was a smarmy, suited and booted, fast-talking blagger who only cared about their commission.

Thankfully, times are changing, and the internet has made it easier to weed out the ‘couldn’t care less’ agents.

As in all walks of life, there are good and bad, and my profession is no different.

But it still drives me mad when I see people in my profession behave in ways that give the estate agency industry a bad name.

Here are some of the differences between an agent who is performing professionally and one who doesn’t care.

Good Agents:
Will value property correctly.
Build databases of potential buyers carefully.
Are proactive.
Never forget they are working on behalf of the seller.
Always work with their clients’ best interests at heart.

Bad Agents:
Think their job is done by slapping a property on Rightmove.
Always take the first offer on a property.
Do not qualify potential buyers properly.
Look for a quick sale rather than the best price.
I could go on.

At LL Estates, I know my team always do the best for our clients. We are always honest and upfront with people, sellers, and buyers alike. And we don’t just talk a good game.

I was delighted by figures I received last week from Get Agent, an independent comparison site for estate agents. It reported that we achieve 98% of the asking price for our sellers.

We also compare very favourably to local competition as it takes us just ten weeks on average to sell a property.

I’m not just parading these stats for show. I think they prove that we practice what we preach when it comes to customer care, knowing the market and doing that little bit more for our clients that makes all the difference.

And I couldn’t let this week’s blog go without mentioning International Women’s Day, which happened on March 8.

Our team is predominantly female, and we’re proud of that.

I want to take this opportunity to thank my team of Wonder Women for their hard work, loyalty, professionalism, and for playing their part in getting rid of ‘dodgy’ estate agent stereotypes.

Thanks for reading.

Love Louise